Handes Of a Woman Wins 5 star Review on Amazon Handmade

Handes Of a Woman Wins 5 star Review on Amazon Handmade

  Many, many thanks to everyone who has contributed reviews on Handes of a Woman. All feedback is important to us; it helps customers choose and helps us to improve.

Here is a link to our latest review on our Amazon Handmade Shop:



Review is on behalf of our: Blue Ruffled French Country Towel https://www.handesofawoman.com/products/blue-ruffled-towel-1

At the end of last year, our best selling 5-star denim apron and its review on Amazon Handmade were deleted when I poked the wrong button installing an app. It went the way of lost socks, never to be seen again. So, as you can imagine, getting this new 5-star is a WOWSA thrill!

Thanks again, for all your feedback; keep it coming.


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  • Catherine Schmid Murphy
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