Tina says,
"I just opened the package and I love them."
fall pumpkin on off white linen towels and natural cotton canvas bag
New 5 star review on Kanien’kehá:ka Towel

5 Star Review on Fancy Dancer add on embroidery from GodsPaletteArtistKelly, maker of the original artwork used for the design! Thanks, Kelly!
Fancy Dancer
I now have a link on my Pinterest page to Hands of Women for my work.
9-6-22 Notice of retired design collection
U-nik Creations by Rachel Leclerc have been retired as of 9-6-22. Congratulations to all who received one of them! And many thanks to Rachel for providing the art. CS Murphy
"Friendship Angel
I can think of so many ways to use "Friendship Angel", for example, on a cushion, a blanket, a tote bag, I would use it on a towel and even on a cotton placemat which you would cover the table with a plastic to safeguard from food. What a conversational piece! My best friend couldn't believe the work, the color and she was so pleased to receive the dress with angel as a gift. Monique has been my right arm to support me in my art! I could not think of a better gift to thank her. Thanks Catherine, you are part of my journey which I truly enjoy. Have a wonderful day! Much love!"
8-24-22 Rachel says: ".... it is truly enjoyable to dress up the frock and with a little bit of imagination, you can do it for all kinds of occasions! "
Thanks, Rachel. I love this! For those who don't know, Rachel is the artist that drew the original for this one. See Rachel's collection here. CS Murphy
see Friendship Angel Dress here
8-22-22 June loves her purple silk dress!! Thanks, June. You look great!
8-15-22 Update on BINGO Apron by EzAz12C:
"I love it! What's nice is, though I usually only use 2 large daubers, I can fit 3 in each lower side pocket. You have no idea what I have been able to cram in all the pockets: Daubers (large and small), dollar bills and cell phone in center pocket, change bag, pens, glue, and my little card folder for debit cards and Drivers License. I have room left over for a protein bar in case I get hungry and car keys. Love the "Bingo" at the top and a "Trump Won" or "MAGA" would be an added bonus. Thank you for making this."
From Handes: Many thanks for the kind review and the help developing this great item! Hope it gives you many years of service. And have a great time playing BINGO with your sister and friends! CS Murphy
see bingo apron product listing here
6-18-22 Full review on our final Bingo Apron by EzAz12C:

"It's really big and it had a spot on it."
Customer purchased an oversized, white cotton floor model dress at a deep discount and returned it the following day, having found a spot and that it was way to big for her. We offered to make her a brand new dress in a smaller size or exchange it for a previously un-launched A- line version in a slimmer silhouette; she opted for the A-line dress exchange.
What customer purchased below:
What customer accepted in exchange, slimmer A-line shown below:
"We take customer service seriously and do our best to avoid problems; when they do occur, we try to make it right." CS Murphy
"You did a great job!
My new dresses are perfect for so many things!
Lunch, pool, gardening, beach, baby shower...
Endless list " -AnnieQakley
PS love love love my new dress
" I like mine Annie.. they are so comfy. Amazing Catherine and we will be her models. How is that." -Rachel Leclerc
5 stars
Rachel said:
"It’s a WOW factor! The most comfy and unique piece of clothing I have and will be wearing it with a heavenly smile on my face. Made in America by HandesofaWoman, Catherine has made this garment with care, love and precision. The seams are impeccable, the design of the Tunic/Dress is appealing and the applique of the « Friendship Angel » adds the most peaceful touch! I will be glad to loaf around on my balcony especially with the hot summer days coming up, as it is made of cotton. How refreshing. What a beautiful and unique gift idea! Thank you Catherine for all these « love » stitches. Remarkable, Elegant, Priceless! "
Rachel says:
"Just received your package..... so beautifully packed. My art class starts and after I will photos and write a follow up on Gab. It is purely LOVELY! Ill get back to you. Beautiful!"
See Rachel's dress here.
Annie O says,
"Love my new outfit Catherine! Wore it to a party! Thanks so much! (heart) Annie"
Annie is fabulous in her oversized dress in solid aqua linen with Friendship Angel embroidery on the front. Annie O put the dress together with the angel , a U-nik Creation by Rachel and I did the sewing.
And did I not just say I needed models! Just WOW! Annie O. Thank you!!! ***heart heart heart***
Jill says, "Love it!"
about her new custom order funny rooster towel. Thanks, Jill!
Thanks so much hon!!

https://gab.com/AnnieQakley/posts/108176483225813043 )
Suzy said,
"Your work is so beautiful and these gifts will be cherished ones! I will certainly show all of my friends your creative talent!"
See apron here.

Another 5-star rating for Handes of a Woman!
Our Abstract Flower Art Print Tea Towel is now 5-star rated on Amazon! See it right here where we make it: https://www.handesofawoman.com/collections/art-print-tea-towel-collection/products/pour-287-strainer-flower
Diane Brooks
You can definitely see that all items are handmade with love. Excellent craftsmanship!! -copy of blog post comment
See Diane's awesome video; she is a friend and a natural on camera. She just up and posted this on facebook one day and had me in tears.
Here is link to her apron: https://www.handesofawoman.com/collections/denim-work-aprons/products/3-pocket-denim-work-apron
This apron received a 5 star review on Amazon when we were selling there and also has 5 stars here on Handes Of A Woman.
Catherine has created several beautiful things for me. Custom-made, of course. Each time I received one of her creations I felt as though I had just received a combination of poetry, romance, nostalgia and sentiment all in one beautiful creation. Catherine is amazing and I can’t speak more highly of her.
Copy of blog post comment
Kerrie is a writer and poet; below is a link to her poetry page, Lamp Post Poetry by kckerrie. She is a friend and well received contributor on Handes of a Woman channels.
Beautiful works from a beautiful Lady!
Copy of blog post comment
Kari is friend of our family.
I have loved the hand towels and tea towels! The cotton fabric was of highest quality and the designs were so unique~
Copy of blog post comment
Kathy is friend and proprietor of ReImagined in Luverne, Alabama and has purchased many towels and designs over the years; too many to post here! Do stop and visit her marvelous shop and LuLu next time you are through. She has many unique items from our area for your home. Here is her facebook site:
Photo shows some towels that Kathy designed for her shop. We used her own, new-in the-package vintage sheets for the ruffles on these re-purposed items. Rick rack and hand stitching were used on some of the ends.
Catherine has done a piece for me and it was AMAZING! I will cherish it forever! Beautiful work. Sooooo talented. As a matter of fact, I have never seen anything like it.
Copy of blog post comment.
Linda is a friend and Handes of a Woman enthusiast.
Here is product link and a picture:
Love love love my new handkerchiefs! Beautiful done and made with love! You are so talented and I appreciate all you do for me!
Copy of blog post comment.
Kay is a friend, like family. Here is the handkerchief link and a picture:

Spontaneous post by my dear sister-in-law, passed on to us from the carpenter who was using the apron while doing construction on her home.
Here is the apron and link.
Here is the apron and link.

Mary on Feb 14, 2019
I LOVE this towel! It's a unique piece and beautifully crafted. You have to look at it from a distance to appreciate the details.
Copy of Etsy review from:
You can see towel here: https://www.handesofawoman.com/collections/konnie-laumer/products/be-still-and-know
Evie N Tually recommends Handes of a Woman.
This woman is incredible, with a busyness (you describe a group of artists with the same word as a group of ferrets) of artists of all kinds at her disposal, in addition to being a fantastic artist herself. She seems to have limitless energy (seriously, does she have a wheeled coffee IV or what??), is reliable, keeps customers up to date on projects, changes and customizations, shipping, and requests feedback with the intent of learning from any issues to apply better skill and knowledge in the future. I would definitely use her company again and would recommend her for a wide variety of art and projects.
Copy of facebook review. Erin (Evie on facebook) is a friend, writer, artist and designer with us at Handes of a Woman..... and she is my step-daughter (heart)
She has made many contributions here; my favorite, to date, is the lowering of pockets on our aprons, placing them at hand level. There are no T-Rex hands at handesofawoman.com!
Here is a corseted version of this design:
Teresa recommends Handes of a Woman.
All of the artwork shown here is authentic, sincere, and created from a place of love. Nothing disappoints. Unique and truly represents the hearts and hands of women.
Copy of facebook review. Teresa has many portrait towels. She is also a friend and an artist on handesofawoman.com. She does commissions and here are samples of her fantastic folk art works: https://www.handesofawoman.com/collections/teresa-blackledge-davis
Copy of facebook post
Haley is a friend, writer and photographer; she helped develop social media marketing at Handes of a Woman. She has since gone on to develop her own online business doing genealogy and writing. You can find her here: https://www.facebook.com/GenealogyWithHaley/
5 star review from our facebook page before facebook stopped using stars:
Copy of facebook post
If you follow us you are very familiar with Colene. She has helped us here in so many ways. She has been with Handes of a Woman from the beginning and has contributed art, pictures, testimonials, inspiration and modeling. She is a fitness competitor and also manages Spero Clinic for Dr. Katinka where there is hope for those with CRPS: https://thesperoclinic.com/