and see what happens......

Sometimes letting go is a great testimony of faith. When we cling to something, fear of loosing it begins to set in. And we all know what happens when we are afraid. It can be anything: a paycheck, career, reputation, loved ones, savings, our health, the next high, another doughnut, the next project....just anything.
There is no telling when upheavals in life may occur. They may happen all at once, or creep in slowly over years. And when they do, know that God's gotcha, all the time. When all is said and done, that is what matters most. So next time you are feeling afraid about change, or loosing something, loosen that grip, just a bit.....and see what happens.
(The heron, a local resident, is faithfully going about his assignments. He can be seen hunting on just about any given day. As can the many ducks and other water birds. They are all a constant reminder to let go, let God, and see what happens.)
- Catherine Schmid Murphy
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