Living In The Light Of Eternity

Living in The Light of Eternity
by Neil S Murphy
Think about how it feels, early in the morning, cool, clear and fresh from a night’s sleep. Now think about how beautiful the eastern sky looks just before day. It isn’t there but you know it is coming, nothing could stop it and the growing light gives you hope of a clear cool beautiful day about to happen.
Now multiply that joyful anticipation a thousand maybe a million times. THAT is the future we as God’s children have to look forward to every day that we get to experience in this world. Think about it, you are one day closer to the most glorious eternity you could ever imagine.
Your life, my life should and can be an example of the confidence, courage and strength that God’s gift of the Holy Spirit brings us. The difference is real and gives a peace and fearlessness like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.
This life at best is short and passes fast. It is easy to be startled at times at just how fast it passes but when you have your heart and eyes set on eternity it changes your perspective entirely. Remember the next time you see the horizon at dawn and know there is something over there that is coming fast….so is Jesus
(more by this author here ; submitted by csmurphy 3-26-21)
- Neil Murphy