Rustic Applique that Suits My Style and an Update on the Red Dish Towel Apron

God winks. Did you know? This earthy style of applique is just my cup of tea.
Discovered while darning a mistake, raw edges provide an artsy charm of their own. The tiny bit of fray at the edges echos the style of the scribble embroidery. This is an easy and reproducible way to add color to a plain towel. If you use t-shirt fabric, the edges will roll instead of fray, another nice effect.
Top fabric is tacked down with small stitches near the edge with a double run. You can trim right then or wait until the end (I waited until the end.) Over sew with your embroidery outline.
For this test run, the base fabric was floated onto hooped stabilizer. For towel production, heavy cornstarch will be used on the base fabric with no stabilizer; the cornstarch will be washed out at the end, maintaining the soft hand of the towel fabric.
Embroidery design based on a sketch by Alabama artist Haley Brianna Atwell.
Here is the finished little red apron project with stems and an idea for the pink linen rayon towels:
edited 1-15-23
- Catherine Schmid Murphy
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