Oops, sorry! Be aware, learning going on.

Oops, sorry! Be aware, learning going on.

Hi everyone. Danger, learning happening. Sorry for all the posts and emails recently; Learning curve underway, again; new software. Today should be it for awhile on the emails. Thank you for bearing with me.

portrait is of my friend and instructor, Dr. Anne Russell, beautiful and brilliant woman.  it doesn't really go with the post; i just like it and the good memories it brings



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  • Catherine Schmid Murphy
Comments 2
  • Anonymous

    Thank you! Study of a friend, instructor and mentor. And the learning continues, as I find no way to reply to your kind words! Chuckle. I will try a message on facebook!

  • CathyMurphy Leslie
    CathyMurphy Leslie

    Did you do the drawing? I love the use of color. Comes alive.

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