casual art

Small pieces of art are cheerful and useful about the home. Here, an acrylic pour painting sits on a side cabinet, unadorned. No mat board, no frame. The work is done on corrugated cardboard salvaged from an old delivery box. It could just as easily sit on a shelf in the library or bedroom. Materials are inexpensive, readily available, and can stand up to a bump or topple to the floor.
POUR PAINTING can produce nice results for young and old, novice and master! Try this next time you are looking for something to do with your family. It is messy so DO clear the decks and put down plenty of newspapers, or a LARGE drop cloth. Cardboard holds up well to start; try stretched canvas as skills develop.
There are many videos on you tube showing how to do this technique. You can find your favorites by searching on pour painting there.
Shown here: animated sci-fi gel; acrylic, elmer's glue all, silicone spray, on cardboard, about 6"x6".
- Catherine Schmid Murphy
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