The Fiery Furnace of PTSD

The Fiery Furnace of PTSD

     In Daniel, in the story of the fiery furnace, the men knew something: the closer to the fire, the nearer to the pain one moves, the closer to God one gets. And the closer to God one gets, the more you know that there is nothing to fear by moving into that fire. The LIE that Satan tells us is that we cannot deal with/face the fire, darkness, fear, loss, trauma,grief, pain, shame, whatever it is. Hold on tight to the Holy Spirit, move into the pain, face it, feel it fully; then move through it, and you will find it is possible to leave it in the rear-view mirror. And once you do, you become a powerful witness for others.

     The thing that HAPPENED is not what is killing us for we are still here. The thing that is killing us, destroying us, is our response to the LIE we hear from Satan. God has made us ABLE to deal with anything; He sent us His Son to show us how. And He gave us each other. He IS. He loves us. He is ALWAYS by our side, especially so on our journey into the fiery furnace. He will walk us through it all. I Know this to be true.

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  • Catherine Schmid Murphy
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