the angels are singing

the angels are singing

This doesn't look like much but it represents a significant shift in my ability to get an image onto a towel. These are acrylic pours on freezer paper, lifted as a print onto cotton fabric. The paint was thinned with water to keep the hand of the fabric and elmer's glue all was added for work-ability and to help keep the colors from mixing. Further refinements for crispness under study...namely,  pretreatment of fabric with alum, trying linen which has a finer yarn, fabric paint, thread, markers.

Painting on fabric and keeping the hand requires thin paint. Whatever color hits the surface first is what will remain after washing and there is no allowance for manipulating the paint once it hits. Pouring onto cornstarch, freezer paper, or thickened water allows some manipulation before lifting the image all at once.

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  • Catherine Schmid Murphy
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