Take The Reins

Take The Reins
26 Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.  Acts 16:26


For those who see what is happening: an earthquake is beginning and it will be heard around the world
    Remember the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16? They were teaching and a woman with a spirit in her ratted them out as "servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved." Acts 16:17. The bad guys all know that God IS. Anyway, Paul casts out the spirit in Jesus' name which pissed-off her handlers, because they were using her to make money. Trouble ensues and they both get stripped, beaten, thrown into prison and put into stocks. Acts 16:18-24

    So what did they do? They prayed and sang hymns to God and the other prisoners heard them. Acts 16:25 Under extreme duress they commenced to praying and praising God in the presence of their enemies. And what happened is astonishing. There was an earthquake, the prison doors opened, their chains were loosed and they did not flee; they stayed. And their enemies were saved.

   We are in a time of great tumult and the foundations of our faith are under extreme duress in the presence of our enemies. We have prayed, influenced and voted. A storm is now here. Jesus is our focus. Pray without ceasing and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His most high Father, and our ever present helper The Spirit. In the USA, the earthquake is beginning and it will be heard around the world. The Spirit is moving. In the presence of our enemies, the reins of governance are being taken away from the handlers and returned to the people; TAKE THEM.

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  • Catherine Schmid Murphy
Comments 1
  • Alicia

    AMEN!!! Praise the Lord!!! Thank you!

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