Makeup Washcloths

A dark washcloth for removing makeup makes a nice addition to a towel set, for guests or gifts. Here, my customer's purchased black cotton washcloths were embroidered with white regular polyester sewing thread for long term durability. Getting linens in sets of 3 means you are always ready: one in use, one in the laundry, one on the shelf ready to go!
For this run of 50 washcloths, embroidered word fills center 1/3 of the cloth width minus a bit of empty space at the beginning and end. Word is set 1.5" above the bottom edge, opposite the tag. If the cloths were banded, the embroidery would be set about 1" above the band. The font is an italic at default density to which under sewing and pull compensation was added. Wash away stabilizer and topper, as well as opting out of a knock down stitch, keeps letters in place and final cloth soft.
- Catherine Schmid Murphy
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